Faruqi Nisar Ahmed was born in June 1934 at Amroha in Uttar Pradesh, India. A highly regarded scholar and authority on Sufism in the South-East Asia, Faruqi has over 50 writing works and 700 articles to his credit. He received his early education in Urdu, Persian and Hindi languages and Islamic studies at home from his grandfather and uncle. He also studied Urdu at the Jamia Urdu Aligarh to later pursue his Masters in Arabic and PhD from the University of Delhi. He received the President\'s Certificate of Honour from the late President of India Zail Singh in 1983. Some of his published writing work includes Ghalib Ki Aap Beeti, Khwaja Hasan Nizami , Miftah-ul-Khazaeen, Talaash-e-Ghalib, Kulliyat-e-Mus’hafi, Khulaasa-tul-Fawa’id, Alam-e-Bashariyyat Ke Liye Sirat-e-Tayyiba Ki Ahemiyat , Shaikh Sadr Uddin Mohammad Yaqoob Be "Jihinda Shaheed"; Marqumat-e-Imdadiya, Shah Waliullah Dehlavi Ke Nadir Maktubat Qiwam Ul Aqa’id, Ahammiyat Al Sirah Al Tayyiba Lil Alam Al Bashari , Imdaad-al-Mushtaaq, Maqalaat-al-Shu’ara, Zikr-e-Meer, Talaash E Meer, Mahboob Husain Jigar, Maqaasid-al-Arifin, Tadhkira-e-Hazrat Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya, Shawamil Al Jumal Der Shama’il Al-Kummal, The Qur’an, The Hadith & The Sirah As The Sources of Islamic History and many more.
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Below are the Faruqi Nisar Ahmed example Details for PCDS Member only
Faruqi Nisar Ahmed size :: 94
Faruqi Nisar Ahmed Height :: 1485 mm
Faruqi Nisar Ahmed Weight :: 57650 G
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