Ehsan Danish Biography and latest books by Ehsan Danish

Ehsan Danish Biography of Ehsan Danish :

Ehsan Danish was born Ehsan-ul-Haq in the year 1914 in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh. He was a prominent Urdu poet whose poetry depicted the voice of masses. He belonged to a poor family and could not afford education. He self-taught the Arabic and Persian languages and mastered them with practice. Ehsan Danish has written more than 80 books and hundreds of articles that include poetry, prose, literary views, autobiographies, philology and the popular interpretation of "Diwan-e-Ghalib". Much of his literary work remains unpublished. Some of his writing works include Jahan-i-Danish(Autobiography),  Jahan-i Diger,  Tazkir-o-Tanis,   Iblagh-i-Danish,   Tashrih-i-Ghalib,   Awaz sy Alfaz tk,   Fasl-i-Salasil,  Zanjir-i-Baharan,  Abr-i-Naisan,   Miras-i-Momin,  Urdu Mutaradifaat,   Derd-i-Zindagi,    Hadis-i-Adab,  Lughat-ul-Islah and    Nafir-i-Fitrat.

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Below are the Ehsan Danish example Details for PCDS Member only
"; Ehsan Danish size :: 55
Ehsan Danish Height :: 1809 mm
Ehsan Danish Weight :: 57030 G
Ehsan Danish Whatsapp Mobile no :: Request For Number
Ehsan Danish Contact address :: Request For Address
Ehsan Danish Contact email id :: Request For email id

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