Dylan Thomas Biography and latest books by Dylan Thomas

Dylan Thomas Biography of Dylan Thomas :

Considered to be the most innovative of the 20th century English poets, Dylan Thomas wrote poems of pathos, courage and inspiration (Do not go gentle into that good night) and also short stories and plays for radio and film. He also wrote propaganda pieces for Britain during World War II. But in his 39 years of mortality, the Wales-born Thomas’ claim to fame was undoubtedly, poetry. Check out his ‘Poem in October’:


My birthday began with the water -                                                                            
Birds and the birds of the winged trees flying my name                                                  
Above the farms and the white horses                                                                             
And I rose                                                                                                                      
In rainy autumn                                                                                                                
And walked abroad in a shower of all my days


Then there were other poems like the melancholic ‘In my craft or sullen art’ or the ode to death – ‘And death shall have no dominion’. Thomas\' 1937 marriage to Caitlin Macnamara and the subsequent relationship was doused in alcohol and a feeling of self-destruction. They had three children, and Thomas\' poetry though appreciated, didn\'t bring in any money. His reading broadcasts were successful, though it led to drinking bouts and frequent fickle behaviour.


It was on a 1953 New York visit that that Thomas fell into coma and never recovered. His body was later brought to Wales and buried at the Laugharne village church.

Under Milk Wood
        A Play for Voices
Total Download : 16 Under Milk Wood A Play for Voices Download now
A Child's Christmas in Wales
Total Download : 6 A Child's Christmas in Wales Download now
Collected Poems, 1934-1952
Total Download : 8 Collected Poems, 1934-1952 Download now

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