Dan Jacobson Biography and latest books by Dan Jacobson

Dan Jacobson Biography of Dan Jacobson :

Dan Jacobson is a South-African writer, short-story writer, critic and essayist. His novels include The Trap, A Dance in the Sun, The Price of Diamonds, The Zulu and the Zeide, The Evidence of Love, No Further West, Time of Arrival, Beggar my Neighbor, The Beginners, Through the Wilderness and Other Stories, The Rape of Tamar, The Boss, Inklings, The Wonder-Worker, The Confessions of Josef Baisz, The Story of the Stories: The Chosen People and Its God, Time and Time Again: Autobiographies, Her Story, Adult Pleasures: Essays on Writers and Readers, Hidden in the Heart, The God-Fearer, The Electronic Elephant, Heshel\'s Kingdom and All for Love.


Jacobson was born in Johannesburg in South Africa. He currently lives in the UK. He taught at University College in London for many years. He has also taught as a guest lecturer at various universities in Australia, UK and South Africa. He has been a recipient of many literary awards such as the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize, Somerset Maugham Award, The Jewish Chronicle Award and the J. R. Ackerley Prize for Autobiography.

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"; Dan Jacobson size :: 92
Dan Jacobson Height :: 1576 mm
Dan Jacobson Weight :: 49382 G
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