D.h Lawrence Biography and latest books by D.h Lawrence

D.h Lawrence Biography of D.h Lawrence :

D.H Lawrence was an English poet, novelist, essayist and a literary critic who earned many enemies because of his opinions. He even had to face censorship, and misinterpretation of his works because he was straight forward and never hesitated from sharing his opinions whether others liked it or not. However many regard him for his significant representation of modernism in the English Literature.

David Herbert Richards Lawrence was born on 11 September, 1885 in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, England. He was the fourth son of Arthur John Lawrence and Lydia. Lawrence’s childhood was spent in the coal mining town of Eastwood since his father was a miner. Having lived a hard life during his childhood, he had many materials to write on when he started as a professional writer. He studied in Beauvale Board High School and became the first student from his locality to earn a scholarship to Nottingham High School. From the year 1902 till 1906 he became a pupil teacher in British School in Eastwood. Later on he went on to become a fulltime student and received a certificate from University College Nottingham in the year 1908, for teaching. It was during this time that he started writing stories and poems and a draft of the novel which went on to become the Nottingham Guardian.

In the year 19010 his novel The White Peacock was published. He also wrote an autobiography called Sons and Lover after his mom died. This went on to become one of his best works including The Rainbow, Women in Love and many others. His second novel The Trespassers was written about unhappy love affairs.
He also wrote poems and one of such collections came out as Look! We have Come Through which was a series of love poems. He also wrote an essay called Twilight in Italy. This was written during one of his journey from Germany to Italy. He also wrote his unfinished novel called Mr. Noon while he was on this trip.

After the Second World War he started experimenting with short novels some of which were The Captain’s Doll, The Fox, and The Ladybird. He is known as one of the best travel writers in the English language.

In the year 1922, Lawrence and his family left Europe and migrated to America. Once he reached United States, he rewrote his work Studies in Classic American Literature which was a set of critical essays.

After a series of illness he died in the year 1930 on 2nd March in Vence, France. After his death, his wife married Angelo Ravagli.

Submitted by Precious Pheirim.

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