Clive Vivian Leopold James born Vivian James is an Australian author, critic, broadcaster, poet and memoirist. He is most famous for his autobiographical series titled Unreliable Memoirs. His other works include The Metropolitan Critic, The Fate of Felicity Fark in the Land of the Media: a moral poem, Peregrine Prykke\'s Pilgrimage Through the London Literary World, Britannia Bright\'s Bewilderment in the Wilderness of Westminster, Fan-mail: seven verse letters,Visions Before Midnight: television criticism from the Observer 1972-76, At the Pillars of Hercules, Charles Charming\'s Challenges on the Pathway to the Throne, The Crystal Bucket: television criticism from the Observer 1976-79, From the Land of Shadows, Brilliant Creatures, Poem of the Year, Glued to the Box: television criticism from the Observer 1979–82, Flying Visits: Postcards from the Observer, 1976–83, Falling Towards England, Other Passports: poems 1958–1985, The Remake, Snakecharmers in Texas: essays 1980–87, May Week Was in June, Clive James On Television, Brrm! Brrm!, The Dreaming Swimmer, Fame in the 20th Century, The Silver Castle, The Book of My Enemy, Even as We Speak, The Meaning of Recognition, North Face of Soho, Cultural Amnesia: Necessary Memories from History and the Arts, Opal Sunset: Selected Poems 1958–2009, The Revolt of the Pendulum: Essays 2005–2009, and A Point of View.
Clive James was born on October 7, 1939 in Sydney. He was raised by his mother. He attended Sydney Technical High School, University of Sydney, and Pembroke College, Cambridge. He studied Psychology and English Literature. Germaine Greer was his contemporary in Cambridge. While at the University of Sydney, he was part of the Sydney Push along with Robert Hughes and Germaine Greer. He has written for The Australian Book Review, The Monthly, The Atlantic Monthly, the New York Review of Books, The Liberal, and the Times Literary Supplement.
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