Christopher Isherwood Biography and latest books by Christopher Isherwood

Christopher Isherwood Biography of Christopher Isherwood :

Christopher Isherwood was born on August 24 in 1904 in Cheshire in North West England. His father was a Lieutenant Colonel in the British Army and he was killed in the First World War. He studied at St. Edmund’s in Surrey where he met WH Auden   He studied at Repton School where he met Edward Upward and wrote the Montmere stories. He studied at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.


Isherwood’s first book was All the Conspirators. He went to live in Berlin and stayed there for a while. He met Jean Ross who was his inspiration for Sally Bowles and he met Gerald Hamilton, the inspiration for Mr. Norris Changes Trains.  He moved to the U.S with Auden and he settled in California. He met Truman Capote at this time. He also met Aldous Huxley, Bertrand Russel, Gerald Heard, and Jiddu Krishnamurthi. He was fascinated by Hindu scriptures and did a lot of translation work. He met Don Bachardy with whom he lived for the rest of his life in California. He died in 1986. He authored All the Conspirators, The Memorial, Mr. Norris Changes Trains, The Dog Beneath the Skin (with WH Auden), The Ascent of F6, Goodbye to Berlin, On the Frontier (with WH Auden), Lions and Shadows, Journey to a War (with WH Auden), Vedanta for Modern Man, Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God, Prater Violet, Vedanta for the Western World, The Condor and the Cows, What Vedanta Means to Me, The World in the Evening, Down There on a Visit, An Approach to Vedanta, Kathleen and Frank, Christopher and His Kind, My Guru and His Disciple, October (with Don Bachardy), The Mortmere Stories (with Edward Upward), and others.


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"; Christopher Isherwood size :: 55
Christopher Isherwood Height :: 1526 mm
Christopher Isherwood Weight :: 46505 G
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