Christopher Brookmyre Biography and latest books by Christopher Brookmyre

Christopher Brookmyre Biography of Christopher Brookmyre :

Christopher Brookmyre is a Scottish writer. His writings belong to the Tartan Noir genre. His writings include Quite Ugly One Morning, Country of the Blind, Not the End of the World, One Fine Day in the Middle of the Night, Boiling a Frog, A Big Boy did it and Ran Away, The Sacred Art of Stealing, Be My Enemy, All Fun and Games until Somebody Loses an Eye, A Tale Etched in Blood and Hard Black Pencil, The Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks, A Snowball In Hell, Pandaemonium, Where The Bodies Are Buried and When the Devil Drives. He was born and grew up in Barrhead. He attended the University of Glasgow.


Brookmyre is President of the Humanist Society of Scotland. He has also been a recipient of the Critics\' First Blood Award for Best First Crime Novel of the Year, Sherlock Award for Best Comic Detective and Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize for Comic Fiction.


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Below are the Christopher Brookmyre example Details for PCDS Member only
"; Christopher Brookmyre size :: 86
Christopher Brookmyre Height :: 1924 mm
Christopher Brookmyre Weight :: 40532 G
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