Benedict Allen Biography and latest books by Benedict Allen

Benedict Allen Biography of Benedict Allen :

Benedict Allen is a British traveler and travel writer. His works include Mad White Giant, Into the Crocodile’s Nest: Journey Inside New Guinea, Hunting the Gugu: In Search of the Lost Ape-Men of Sumatra, The Proving Grounds: A Journey Through the Interior of New Guinea and Australia, Through Jaguar Eyes: Crossing the Amazon Basin, The Skeleton Coast, The Edge of Blue Heaven, Last of the Medicine Men and Into the Abyss. He attended Bradfield College and the University of East Anglia where he read Environmental Science. He is a patron of the Environmental Justice Foundation.


Allen went on fossil-hunting expeditions as a child to Lyme Regis in England. He began to go on scientific expeditions to Costa Rica, Iceland, Brunei, Papua New Guinea, Siberia, Sumatra, the Amazon basin and the Gobi desert among others. He has visited the Chukchi and Inuit communities, Voodoo witch doctors in Haiti, the Mentawai in Indonesia, the Huichol of Mexico and shamans in Siberia. His books have also been televised into series.

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"; Benedict Allen size :: 100
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