Ata ul Haq Qasmi was born on 1st February 1943 in Pakistan. He is a name synonymous with Urdu literature. He contributes as a columnist for "Rozan-e-Dewar Sey". Qasmi\'s column is noted for his satire on social inequalities prevailing in the society and his stance on anti-dictatorship. His humorous style of writing is popular with readers as he holds their attention to the last line. His books of columns include "Column Tamam", "Shar Goshiyan", "Hansna Rona Mana Hay", "Mazeed Ganjey Farishtey(Nawaz and Shahbaz)" and many more, while his TV series have popular names like "Khwaja and Son", "Shab Daig", "Sheeda Talli" etc. His travelogues include "Shoq-e-Awargi".
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Below are the Attaul Haq Qasmi example Details for PCDS Member only
Attaul Haq Qasmi size :: 56
Attaul Haq Qasmi Height :: 1752 mm
Attaul Haq Qasmi Weight :: 50543 G
Attaul Haq Qasmi Whatsapp Mobile no :: Request For Number
Attaul Haq Qasmi Contact address :: Request For Address
Attaul Haq Qasmi Contact email id :: Request For email id