A name that won many a hearts within and across the border, Amrita Pritam was a Punjabi writer, poet, novelist, essayist, and feminist. Born on 31 August 1919, Amrita’s fabulous writing career spanned over six decades that include 28 novels, 18 anthologies of prose, five short stories and 16 miscellaneous prose volumes. Her collection of Punjabi folk songs and an autobiography were translated into several Indian and foreign languages. Her acclaimed works include Pinjar (The Skeleton) (1950), Aj Aakhaan Waris Shah Nu (Today I invoke Waris Shah). She worked as an editor for “Nagmani”, a monthly literary magazine in Punjabi for several years. She also published autobiographies titled, Kala Gulab (Black Rose) (1968), Rasidi Ticket (The Revenue Stamp) (1976), and Aksharon kay Saayee (Shadows of Words).
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Below are the Amrita Pritam example Details for PCDS Member only
Amrita Pritam size :: 36
Amrita Pritam Height :: 1495 mm
Amrita Pritam Weight :: 57214 G
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