Altaf Gauhar Biography and latest books by Altaf Gauhar

Altaf Gauhar Biography of Altaf Gauhar :

Altaf Gauhar was born on 17th March 1923 in Gujranwala, Pakistan. He was a civil servant, journalist, poet, and writer. A gifted writer, he was a friend of to President Ayub Khan. It is said that the main ghost writer for the latter\'s autobiography titled Friends Not Masters was tasked by him. The book is not so popular and is supposed to be based on half-truths. Subsequently, he wrote his biography, Ayub Khan : Pakistan\'s First Military Ruler, which was a different story written after the death of his old mentor prompting people to question the real Ayub. Some of his major works include  Ayub Khan: Pakistan\'s First Military Ruler,  Translations from the Quran, Thoughts and After Thoughts, Ayub Khan, Fauji raj ke pahle das sal, Shared horizon: Interviews with leaders of thought, Friends not Masters (claimed to be written by Field Marshal Ayub Khan)and Gohar Gushat.

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Below are the Altaf Gauhar example Details for PCDS Member only
"; Altaf Gauhar size :: 26
Altaf Gauhar Height :: 1780 mm
Altaf Gauhar Weight :: 47253 G
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