Alka Pande Biography and latest books by Alka Pande

Alka Pande Biography of Alka Pande :

Alka Pande is an art historian and has written prolifically on  niche subjects like Indology and Art History. She has authored several books on gender and sexuality. Along with writing, she is an award winning Consultant Arts Advisor and curator in New Delhi.

Alka did her PhD thesis on the theme of Ardhanarisvara. She is an authority on subjects like erotic Indian Literature and Art. Her prominent books include Ardhnarishvara, the Androgyne – Probing the Gender Within, Masterpieces of Indian Art, Indian Erotica, Leela, The New Age Kamasutra for Women, Shringara – Notion of Beauty and From Mustard Field to Disco Lights.

Alka’s rendezvous with Indian concepts like rasa and karma started when she was quite young. Her mother introduced her to Indian classical music and her father, inculcated the importance and value of tireless hard work. As she grew up she earned two post graduate degrees - History and History of Art. These were followed by a PhD from Panjab University. She then began serving as the Head of Department of Fine Arts, Panjab University and the Director of the Museum of Fine Arts, Panjab University.

Being a passionate art critic, cultural theorist, teacher, curator, and an author, Alka Pande has been involved in the art fraternity for more than 30 years. Her work is rich and well-researched with it amalgamating Indian art, rudimentary philosophy, literature, spiritual learning and cultural migrations.

She lives in New Delhi with her husband and daughter.

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Below are the Alka Pande example Details for PCDS Member only
"; Alka Pande size :: 93
Alka Pande Height :: 1787 mm
Alka Pande Weight :: 41246 G
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